Editorial Code

Editorial Code of Practice

All editorial content must adhere to the Runthecompany Editorial Code.

  1. The objective for all editorial content on this website is to provide useful information, insight or clarity regarding the starting or running of a business. Its use is subject to the Terms and Conditions detailed here.
  2. Other than attracting visitors with relevant, useful and appealing content, editorial content on this website cannot be influenced by any Runthecompany commercial interests and there must be a substantive justification for referencing any third party service, product or entity.
  3. Due diligence is taken regarding content research and construction.
  4. Content cannot knowingly be plagiarised from another source although third party material may be reported, reviewed or a critique provided where elements of such material is referenced or stated as part of fair dealing under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
  5. Editorial content must remain objective and never distort facts or circumstances although for the interests of balance and fair play, a particular view or perspective may be presented where it is deemed to be both justified and generally under-represented.
  6. The latest review date for this Editorial Code statement is shown below.

25 July 2019

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